The Bravery Over Bullying Organization seeks to teach, promote, and further acts of Bravery over bullying.
We want to engage in healthy conversation regarding the topic of bullying in schools.

Bravery Over Bullying
What We Do
The Bravery Over Bullying Team seeks to educate and assess in real time the needs of hurting families who feel they have exhausted current methods of response to bullying, both in the classroom and beyond. We want to pro-actively support the chains of command for students affected by bullying. We desire a holistic approach, with safety of every student first and foremost in mind.

We want Students, Parents, and Schools to know it is BRAVE to speak up and stand up against bullying. We seek to bring awareness to bullying because we support child victims of bullying. We desire a safe, effective classroom environment for ALL children.
We choose to be BRAVE! We want YOU to #bebravenotabully!

Be brave, not a bully!

Meet Liam
Meet Liam, BOB’s little brother! Both BOB, the Lion, and Liam want to help us teach kids how to be brave not a
Help Guide for Teachers
Help guide for parents
Contact Us
We are in full campaign mode here at The Bravery Over Bullying Organization. We are seeking nation-wide Brand Ambassadors, Campaign Print and Media Volunteers, Corporate Sponsorships, and of course, Donors!
Help us
make a difference.